Hornby Dublo 2-Rail Trains

A listing of Hornby Dublo trains and related products from the late 1950s to 1964 with links to a photo gallery of each item and its packaging. The clickable pictures of the Hornby Dublo boxes take you to their contents, and the clickable pictures of the details, couplings, etc., take you to the complete Hornby Dublo item. Clicking on the item itself brings you back to this listing.

Site under continuous development?! - Last updated 16 March 2007.

The Whole Photo Gallery
(Warning: This is exceedingly large to download!)

Table of Contents

Description Cat. Nos.
Train Sets 2000-2050
Locomotives 2200-2250
Coaches 4000-4150
Vans & Wagons 4300-4685
Stations & Accessories     5000-5095
2-Rail Track 2400-2915
Sundries 1500-1636
Dublo Dinky 0050-0791
Catalogues (including 3-Rail) 1938-1966

If you are interested in collecting or running Hornby Dublo, then consider becoming a member of the Hornby Railway Collectors Association (HRCA).

© Copyright 2000-2007. All photographs by Jeremy Karl Cockcroft