Hornby Dublo 2-Rail Trains

A listing of Hornby Dublo trains and related products from the late 1950s to 1964 with links to a photo gallery of each item and its packaging. The clickable pictures of the Hornby Dublo boxes take you to their contents, and the clickable pictures of the details, couplings, etc., take you to the complete Hornby Dublo item. Clicking on the picture of the item itself brings you back to this sub-menu.

2-Rail Train Sets

Cat. No. Description (Contents) Sept. 1963 Prices
2006 S.R. Goods Train Set (2207, 4660, 4640, 4312) £3 8s 6d
2007 S.R. Surburban Passenger Train Set (2207, 4025, 4026)
2008 B.R. Goods Train Set (2206, 4660, 4640, 4312) £3 8s 6d
2009 B.R. Surburban Passenger Train Set (2206, 4021, 4022) £4 3s 9d
2014 "The Talisman" E.R. Passenger Train Set (2211, 4052, 4053) £7 5s 6d
2015 "The Talisman" E.R. Passenger Train Set (2211, 4005, 4006)
2016 0-6-2 Tank Goods Train Set (2217, 4665, 4677, 4646, 4310) £5 8s 0d
2019 2-6-4 Tank Goods Train Set (2218, 4649, 4648, 4615, 4310) £6 7s 6d
2020 "Torbay Express" G.W.R. Passenger Train Set (2220, 4009, 4010)
2021 "The Red Dragon" G.W.R. Passenger Train Set (2221, 4050, 4051) £7 7s 6d
2022 "The Caledonian" L.M.R. Passenger Train Set (2226, 4013, 4014)
2023 "The Caledonian" L.M.R. Passenger Train Set (2226, 4052, 4053) £7 2s 6d
2024 Express L.M.R. Goods Train Set (2224, 4320, 4605, 4678, 4670, 4310)     £7 7s 6d
2025 Express L.M.R. Goods Train Set (2225, 4320, 4605, 4678, 4670, 4310)
2030 Bo-Bo Diesel-Electric Goods Trains Set (2230, 4655, 4320, 4625, 4325, 4310)
2033 Co-Bo Diesel-Electric Goods Trains Set (2233, 4320, 4625, 4325, 4310) £6 15s 6d
2034 "Royal Scot" B.R. Passenger Train Set (2234, 4052, 4053) £7 13s 0d
2035 "Bournemouth Belle" S.R. Passenger Train Set (2235, 4035, 4036, 4037) £9 15s 0d
2049 Breakdown Train Set (2217, 4620, 4318, 4022) £4 18s 6d
2050 Surburban Electric S.R. Passenger Train Set (2250, 4150) £5 18s 0d

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