Hornby Dublo 2-Rail Trains

A listing of Hornby Dublo trains and related products from the late 1950s to 1964 with links to a photo gallery of each item and its packaging. The clickable pictures of the Hornby Dublo boxes take you to their contents, and the clickable pictures of the details, couplings, etc., take you to the complete Hornby Dublo item. Clicking on the picture of the item itself brings you back to this sub-menu.

Dublo Dinky

Cat. No. Description Packaging Sept. 1962 Prices
050 Railway Station Staff (12) Clear Plastic Container 2s 11d
052 Railway Passengers (11) Clear Plastic Container 4s 0d
054 Railway Station Personnel Clear Plastic Container 4s 0d
061 Ford Prefect (Cream) Yellow Box
062 Singer Roaster (Yellow) Yellow Box
063 Commer Van (Blue) Yellow Box
064 Austin Lorry (Green) Yellow Box 1s 6d
065 Morris Pickup (Red) Yellow Box
066 Bedford Flat Truck (Grey) Yellow Box
067 Austin Taxi (Blue & White) Yellow Box 2s 6d
068 Royal Mail Van (Red) Yellow Box 2s 3d
069 Massey-Harris-Ferguson Tractor (Blue) Yellow Box 1s 6d
070 A.E.C. Mercury Tanker Shell-B.P. (Red & Green) Yellow Box 2s 6d
071 Volkswagon Delivery Van (Yellow) Yellow Box 2s 0d
072 Bedford Articulated Truck (Yellow & Red) Yellow Box 2s 6d
073 Land Rover (Green) and Horse Trailer (Orange) with Horse   Yellow Box 4s 3d
076 Lansing Bagnall Tractor and Trailer (Maroon) Yellow Box 2s 9d
078 Lansing Bagnall Trailer (Maroon) Yellow Box 1s 6d
790 Imitation Granite Chippings Clear Plastic Bag 0s 9d
791 Imitation Coal Clear Plastic Bag 0s 9d

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