Space Group I41/acd

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Lattice type: I

Symmetry operators:

      x,            y,            z
     -x,          1/2-y,          z
    3/4-y,        1/4+x,        3/4+z
    3/4+y,        3/4-x,        1/4+z
     -x,            y,          1/2+z
    1/2+x,         -y,            z
    1/4+y,        1/4+x,        1/4+z
    1/4-y,        3/4-x,        3/4+z
     -x,           -y,           -z
      x,          1/2+y,         -z
    3/4+y,        1/4-x,        3/4-z
    3/4-y,        3/4+x,        1/4-z
      x,           -y,          1/2-z
    1/2-x,          y,           -z
    1/4-y,        1/4-x,        1/4-z
    1/4+y,        3/4+x,        3/4-z


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