GBP 9.95

The CD-ROM disk is priced at only GBP £ 9.95. It contains over 10,000 files with over 1000 unique space group diagrams backed up with tables of symmetry operators and reflections conditions.

The CD-ROM was first released for sale on the 5th August 1999 at the 18th IUCr Congress in Glasgow, Scotland. Requests for mail order sales were accepted from the 16th August 1999.

Postage & packing will be added to all mail order sales. Intranet site licenses are available. Please enquire for price discount on large orders. Contact the author by email for further details. For mail order sales, please download the order form (PostScript, 95Mb or Rich Text Format, 9.5Mb) If you wish to pay by credit card please supply the credit card information requested on the order form. Please note that Birkbeck College can only process Visa or Mastercard.

Dr Jeremy K. Cockcroft,
Department of Crystallography,
Birkbeck College,
Malet Street,
London WC1E 7HX,
United Kingdom.

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