To Err is to be Human

As with the first version of any book, whether produced in printed or electronic format, human errors invariably occur. While every effort was made to minimise errors, a few that have been noticed are listed below:

  1. The files TETRA.HTM in directories /LARGE/ and /MEDIUM/ both say "tetrahedral" instead of "tetragonal". Sites holding Intranet site licenses should copy the corrected file to both directories /LARGE/ and /MEDIUM/.
  2. The file NOTATION.HTM in directory /MISC/ contains several mistakes (e.g. "Schoeflies", "rhomohedral"). Sites holding Intranet site licenses should copy the corrected file to directory /MISC/.
  3. The file TWOONM.HTM in directory /MISC/ says "fourfold" instead of "twofold" at one point in the text. Sites holding Intranet site licenses should copy the corrected file to directory /MISC/.
  4. The tables and space group diagrams for space group P43212 with the non-standard origin on the 43 screw axis were accidently produced using symmetry generators for P41212 by mistake. Corrected files are given in sub-directories LARGE/ and MEDIUM/.
  5. The PostScript to gif file conversion for MEDIUM/158BZ1.GIF and MEDIUM/160BZ1.GIF was poor. Improved files are given in sub-directory MEDIUM/.

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