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Publication Links |
Journal Preparation
This web page (and links therein) provides the information on downloading, and using the single crystal suite WinGX from the CCP14 site. This suite links several useful graphics programs, used to produce the crystallographic figures in this section. The linked programs (ORTEP, STRUPLO, Cameron, Platon, Rasmol) may need to be obtained individually, but information to do this is described. Most of the software is free to academic users.
This web page (and links therein) contain information on CIF and include the current core and powder CIF dictionaries and the original paper describing the CIF standard [Acta Cryst., A47, 665 (1991)].
Structural Databases
The above links give the homepages for each of the databases, and in some cases free download examples of the database. Subsequent links within each page give some examples of the output that can be obtained.
This page (and links therein) provides information, examples, brief manuals and access to the databases (if you have the required validation!) for some of the databases discussed.
This page (and links therein) provides an actual "small" version of ICSD that you can access, retrieve and display information from.
© Copyright 1997-2006. Birkbeck College, University of London. | Author(s): Martin Attfield |