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Searching a Structural Database |
Searching a Structural Database
Serching a structural database is similar to searching any database in principle. There are three main areas to search which are:
Below is a list of common search terms that can be used in the structural
databases (not all terms apply to each database and some databases contain
many other search capabilities not mentioned in the list).
Common search terms include:
To search a database one can search for exact matches, for example, if you use the search term M. P. Attfield in an author search, or you can search for ranges, for example, 500 to 520 Å3 in a unit cell volume search. Often the results of searches produce many matching structures the number of which can be reduced by intersecting with the results from other searches. For instance, if you want to find the number of structures with space group P21/c and that contain the element indium, then searching the data base of inorganic structures for structures with the space group P21/c produces 2316 structures and structures that contain indium gives 867 structures. Intersecting the searches for structures with space group P21/c and that contain indium produces only 34 matches and significantly reduces th
© Copyright 1997-2006. Birkbeck College, University of London. | Author(s): Martin Attfield |