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Advanced Certificate in Powder Diffraction
on the Web
Welcome 2003/2004 School of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, University of London |
24 November 2003
Dear PD student/participant
We would like to give you a warm welcome to PD03 (or PD 2003/4), which is now starting. We hope that this 5th Internet course will meet your needs and that you will enjoy it.
During this first week we shall be giving you time to familiarize yourself with your equipment and the learning methods as used in PD by giving an introduction to the Internet skills required for this course and an overview of powder diffraction. Please note that all times that we give will be given in GMT. Please check the notice board for details.
Identifier and password
You can start by checking the course index http://pd.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/pd/index03.htm, which you enter from the course welcome page http://pd.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/pd/welcome.htm by clicking on the blue button marked 2003/2004 under "Click button to enter the Course Index for Powder Diffraction on the Web". Alternatively, you can always use the Course Icon at the top left-hand corner of each page. Certain areas are (partially) open and public as indicated by the grey buttons. To get access to the restricted areas where the course material resides (indicated by the blue buttons), you will need an individual identifier and password. To obtain these you need to read and submit the license form for the course material http://pd.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/pd/miscell/copyform.htm, which is accessible from the notice board. You will then get your identifier and password, usually within 24 hours. You will need to type in your identifier and password once per browser session.
Notice Board
Please check here for information and the latest news. E-mail can go astray so copies are kept here. The notice board can be entered with http://pd.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/pd/enrol03/notice.htm. Today it gives pointers to releases 1 & 2.
Discussion Lists
Your names will automatically be descibed to a central discussion list as described in http://pd.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/pd03/email/discus.htm.
Enrolment and Billing
This may have unfortunately been delayed in some cases so that not all of you are signed up officially yet. The College Registry will do its best to process things as quickly as possible. However, please take account of the fact that much of the paperwork done by Registry is, literally, paperwork in contrast to this course, which is 100% electronic (except for the final written examination). You can help by sending in payment (or payment details for credit card payments) as soon as possible. Many thanks.
Please contact myself or any of the other course tutors if you have any queries about course organisation. This is the fifth year that this Internet course is being run. Any feedback, reports of glitches, etc. will always be welcomed, and we will endeavour to sort them out as soon as possible.
Best wishes for your study
Jeremy Karl Cockcroft
Course Organiser
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