A selection of ISO standard (no 3166) two letter country codes are listed below:
Country | ISO code | Country | ISO code | |
Australia | AU | Austria | AT | |
Belgium | BE | Brazil | BR | |
Canada | CA | Czech Republic | CZ | |
Denmark | DK | Finland | FI | |
France | FR | Germany | DE | |
Greece | GR | Hong kong | HK | |
Hungary | HU | Iceland | IS | |
India | IN | Ireland | IE | |
Israel | IL | Italy | IT | |
Japan | JP | Luxembourg | LU | |
Netherlands | NL | Norway | NO | |
Poland | PL | Portugal | PT | |
Singapore | SG | South Africa | ZA | |
Spain | ES | Sweden | SE | |
Switzerland | CH | Thailand | TH | |
United Kingdom | GB | United States | US |
Click here
for a more complete list.
Note that in many cases the two letters are the same as the two letters used for the Internet country domain names, but with some noteable exceptions (e.g. GB versus UK). The two letters form also the first two letters of the three letter currency abbreviations (ISO 4217) in most cases (e.g. GBP and USD).
Use the back button (<-) on your browser to avoid losing your current selection (assuming it is cached).
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